Sunday, April 8, 2012

Brandon Travis Rike is young modern graphic designer.  He was born on January 6, 1983 in Canten Ohio and currently resides in Columbus Ohio. Rikes has been part of the Dead Poetic ban since 1997.  Dead poetic released three albums and the best album was released in 2006. However they have not toured or played a live show since 2007.  They plan to release a final album, but do not plan to a tour.

In 1999 Rikes became a full time graphic designer for his company "Dark Collar".  In 2010 he dropped the company name and is working under his name. He specializes in design for T-shirts, bands and logos.  OWSLA is one of his greatest logo.  He created the logo for the label of Skrillex.  Stoke Skrillex and everyone in his camp were excited about the new logo.  Stoke tattoed the logo on his forearm.  For this Rikes is honored to had been part of  a mark that has gotten so much mileage 

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